Monday, December 6, 2010

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide.

Has it really been 2 months since I've updated this thing? I can't believe time has passed so fast! With tomorrow being the last day of my semester, I can honestly say it has been the craziest 16 weeks of my life. I'm not going to assume that you care, but in case you were wondering, here are a few things that have happened in the past couple months. No DeLorean needed.

1. Andy joined the annual Brady Party bash... Dressed as a wolf in sheep's clothing black sheep. Kate and I were Rockford Peaches from "A League of their Own." We owned the night.

The three musketeers.
2. My internship began and ended. I was placed in an "urban" school with a 99% poverty rate. I really and truly loved my kiddos. However, that school was hell. It's no wonder why American education is more than lacking. Those children deserve better.
3. I still love my major (to my parents relief)
4. I'm going to Constantinople/Istanbul for Spring Break with my dear friend Arianna among other Greeks.
5. Sephora's retail Holiday season has begun. My soul is broken.

Anyone can master the look of "Holiday Hooker!"
6. I've mastered the art of falling up the stairs in public. I've also mastered the art of wearing nacho cheese and hot chocolate in my hair. My knee disapproves.
7. I've finally watched Sleepless in Seattle. So basically that means everyone can stop going "OH MY GOD, YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE!?" Really, just stop it.

I miss the 90's.
9. I was employee of the month for October.... Hilarious.
10. My Dog has turned 12 years old. What a spry little fur-nugget.
11. My very adorable parents just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary... And all I got was this stupid t-shirt.
12. Boardwalk Empire and The Walking Dead have begun and finished as well. Top chef all stars will be my new guilty TV pleasure.

In other news, the darkest day of my life is slowly creeping upon me.... Yes my friends, it's my 22nd birthday next week. I always love, love, love, love my birthday (seeing as how I'm such a humble soul) but this year it hit me. I'll be 22. Twenty-two! I have nothing else to live for. I mean, I have lots of living to do, but nothing to actually look forward to. After 21, things just start going downhill fast. No more milestones that don't have to do with impending colonoscopies or euphemisms dealing with my inevitable death. My cousin, Clare, whom I love dearly, took one of those quizzes on facebook regarding myself... This is what it said.

So sweet, yet so fatalist.
I mean, It's not like it's not true. Funny and true.... But still. 

It's a good thing I have Kate to remind me that at 25 I can legally rent a car... Oh joy... Until then, I just have to brace myself for good ol' 22.

But look at all the storage!

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